Vinelakes Taj Mahal "Taj" |

Kaleidoscope Stone Ravenwynd x Vinelakes Wanna Bet |
Taj's Stats -
DOB - 07/07/07
ASCA/AKC Champion
Red Factored
OFA - Good
Elbows - Normal
Cerf - Clear
MDR1 - N/N
HSF4 - 1 copy
Full Dentition/Scissor Bite
Height - 18 inches
Weight - 40 lbs
Paradigm's Bayouland on Broadway |

Broadways Blaze of Glory x Lil Creek's Hug Me Tight |
Cash's Stats -
DOB - 04/01/07
AKC/ASCA Champion
Red Factored
OFA - Good
Elbows - Normal
Cerf - Clear
MDR1 - N/N
HSF4 - Clear
Full Dentition/Scissor Bite
Height - 21 inches
Weight - 50 lbs
Puppies born April 19th!!
Four girls and 3 boys, all four colors.
Keep checking in for updated pictures and info on them.
Expressions Out Of The Box Rox |

Living in Colorado with Christy and Marquis |
Expressions Nobska |

Now living with the Orsi Family |
Vinelake's Wonders Never Cease "Moomoo" |

Red Tri Female - Going to Vinelake |
If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for a puppy please fill out the Puppy Questionnaire and return
it to us at
Expressions Black Tie Premier |

Black Tri Male - AVAILABLE!! |
Expressions Eye Candy |

Don't let my sweet looks fool ya!! |
Expressions Kosmic Blues |

Blue Merle male - Available!!! |